List of peer-reviewed publications from research conducted in Greenland by the High Arctic Institute, The Peregrine Fund, and the Greenland Peregrine Falcon Survey. Publications which include data collected by the High Arctic Institute, The Peregrine Fund, and the Greenland Peregrine Falcon Survey and which have been provided to outside researchers have also been included. Articles marked with an * were authored or co-authored by High Arctic Institute scientists. For copies of below papers which are not available for download please contact
*Anderson, D.L., Burnham, K.K., Nielsen, O.K. & Robinson, B.W. 2017. A photographic and morphometric guide to aging Gyrfalcon nestlings. In Anderson, D.L, McClure, C.J.W. and Franke, A. (eds) Applied raptor ecology: essentials from Gyrfalcon research: 265–282. Boise, Idaho, USA: The Peregrine Fund.
Bennike, O. & Andreasen, C. 2005. New dates of musk-ox (Ovibos moschatus) remains from northwest Greenland. Polar Record. vol: 41: 125–129.
Booms, T.L. & Fuller, M.R. 2003. Gyrfalcon diet in central west Greenland during the nesting period. Condor. vol: 105(3): 528–537.
Booms, T.L. & Fuller, M.R. 2003. Time-lapse video system used to study nestling gyrfalcons. Journal of Field Ornithology. vol: 74(4): 416–422.
Booms, T.L. & Fuller, M.R. 2003. Gyrfalcon feeding behavior during the nestling period in central west Greenland. Arctic. vol: 56(4): 341–348.
*Burnham, J.H., Burnham, K.K., Chumchal, M.M., Welker, J.M. & Johnson, J.A. 2018. Correspondence between mercury and stable isotopes in high Arctic marine and terrestrial avian species from northwest Greenland. Polar Biology. vol: 41(7): 1475–1491.
*Burnham, J.H., Burnham, K.K., Chumchal, M.M., Welker, J.M. & Johnson, J.A. 2019. Status of blood mercury concentration in twenty-four bird species in Northwest Greenland. In Kyhn, L.A. & Mosbech, A. (eds.) North Water Polynya Conference, Copenhagen 2017 — White Paper: 134–138. Copenhagen, DK: Aarhus University.
*Burnham, J.L. & Burnham, K.K. 2010. An ornithological survey of the Carey Islands, northwest Greenland. Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift. vol: 104: 26–37.
*Burnham, K.K., Burnham, J.L. & Johnson, J.A. 2020. Morphological measurements of Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica naumanni) in High-Arctic Greenland. Polar Research. vol: 39.
*Burnham, K.K., Burnham, J.L., Johnson, J.A., & Huffman, A. 2021. Migratory movements of Atlantic puffins Fratercula arctica naumanni from High Arctic Greenland. PLoS One. vol: 16(5): e0252044.
*Burnham, K.K., Burnham, J.L., Johnson, J.A., Konkel, B.W., Stephens, J. & Badgett, H. 2020. First record of horned puffin in the North Atlantic and tufted puffin in High Arctic Greenland. Polar Research. vol: 39.
*Burnham, K.K., Burnham, J.L., & Konkel, B.W. 2019. Status of peregrine falcon and gyrfalcon populations in Northwest Greenland. In Kyhn, L.A. & Mosbech, A. (eds.) North Water Polynya Conference, Copenhagen 2017 — White Paper: 101–103. Copenhagen, DK: Aarhus University.
*Burnham, K.K., Burnham, J.L., Konkel, B.W. & Johnson, J.A. 2017. Significant decline observed in Arctic tern Sterna paradisaea population in northwest Greenland. Seabird. vol: 30: 39–50.
*Burnham, K.K. & Burnham, W.A. 2005. Dovekie response to glaucous gull behaviour and approach in north Greenland. Dansk Ornithologisk Forenings Tidsskrift. vol: 99: 155–118.
*Burnham, K.K. & Burnham, W.A. 2011. Ecology and biology of gyrfalcons in Greenland. In Watson, R.T., Cade, T.J., Fuller, M. & Hunt, W.G. (eds.) Gyrfalcons and Ptarmigan in a Changing World, Volume II: 1–20. Boise,ID: The Peregrine Fund.
*Burnham, K.K., Burnham, W.A. & Newton, I. 2009. Gyrfalcon Falco rusticolus post-glacial colonization and extreme long-term use of nest sites in Greenland. Ibis. vol: 151: 514–522.
*Burnham, K.K., Burnham, W.A., Newton, I., Johnson, J.A. & Gosler, A. 2012. The History and range expansion of peregrine falcons in the Thule area, northwest Greenland. Monographs on Greenland 352, Bioscience 60. 106 pp.
*Burnham, K.K., Johnson, J.A., Konkel, B. & Burnham, J.L. 2012. Nesting common eider (Somateria mollissima) population quintuples in northwest Greenland. Arctic. vol: 65(4): 456–464.
*Burnham, K.K., Meyer, F.K., Burnham J.L., Chumchal M., & Johnson, J.A. 2021. Mercury contamination of seabird and sea duck eggs from high Arctic Greenland. Polar Biology. vol: 44(6): 1195–1202.
*Burnham, K.K. & Newton, I. 2011. Seasonal movements of gyrfalcons Falco rusticolus include extensive periods at sea. Ibis. vol: 153: 468–484.
*Burnham, K.K., Sinnett, D.R., Johnson, J.A., Burnham, J.L., Baroch, J.A. & Konkel, B.W. 2014. New species records and changes in abundance of waterfowl in northwest Greenland. Polar Biology. vol: 37(9): 1289–1300.
*Burnham, W.A., Burnham, K.K. & Cade, T.J. 2005. Past and present assessments of bird life in Uummannaq District, west Greenland. Dansk Ornithologisk Forenings Tidsskrift. vol: 99: 196–208.
Burnham, W.A., Jenkins, F.P., Ward, F.P., Mattox, W.G., Clement, D.M. & Harris, J.T. 1974. Falcon research in Greenland, 1973. Arctic. vol: 27(1): 71–74.
Burnham, W.A. & Mattox, W.G. 1984. Biology of the peregrine and gyrfalcon in Greenland. Monographs on Greenland, Bioscience 14. 24 pp.
*Causey, D., Stranek, A., Sheehan, K. & Burnham, K.K. 2019. Evidence for increasingly rapid destabilization of coastal Arctic foodwebs. In Kyhn, L.A. & Mosbech, A. (eds.) North Water Polynya Conference, Copenhagen 2017 — White Paper: 65–71. Copenhagen, DK: Aarhus University.
*Causey, D., Welker, J.M., Burnham, K.K., Padula, V.M. & Bargmann, N.A. 2013. Fine-scale temporal and spatial patterns of a High Arctic marine bird community. In Mueter, F.J., Dickson, D.M.S., Huntington, H.P., Irvine, J.R., Logerwell, E.A., MacLean, S.A., Quakenbush, L.T. & Rosa, C. (eds.) Responses of Arctic marine ecosystems to climate change. Alaska Sea Grant, University of Alaska Fairbanks.
Cuyler, C. & Mølgaard, H. 2002. Overgrown hooves from muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) of Kangaarsuk (Kap Atholl) Northwest Greenland. Greenland Institute of Natural Resources. Technical Report no. 41. 28 pp.
Cuyler, C., Virk, K.J., Clausen, T.B. & Jensen, F.H. 2016. 2015 status Cape Atholl muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) Thule region Greenland. Greenland Institute of Natural Resources. Technical Report no. 96. 37 pp.
*Curk, T., Pokrovksy, I., Lecomte, N., Aarvak, T., Burnham, K., Dietz, A. Franke, A., Gauthier, G., et al. 2020. Arctic avian predators synchronize their spring migration with the northern progression of snowmelt. Scientific Reports 10: 7220.
*Franke, A., Falk, K., Hawkshaw, K., Ambrose, S., Anderson, D.L., Bente, P.J., Booms, T., Burnham, K.K., et al. 2020. Status and trends of circumpolar peregrine falcon and gyrfalcon populations. Ambio. vol: 49: 762–783.
Fuller, M.R., Seegar, W.S. & Schueck, L.S. 1998. Routes and travel rates of migrating peregrine falcons Falco peregrinus and Swainson’s hawks Buteo swainsoni in the Western Hemisphere. Journal of Avian Biology. vol: 29(4): 433–440.
*Funk, E.R., Mason, N.A., Pálsson, S., Albrecht, T., Johnson, J.A. & Taylor, S.A. 2021. A supergene underlies linked variation in color and morphology in a Holarctic songbird. Nature Communications. vol: 12: 6833.
Gould, W.R. & Fuller, M.R. 1995. Survival and population size estimation in raptor studies: a comparison of two methods. Journal of Raptor Research. vol: 29(4): 256–264.
Harris, J.T. & Clement, D.M. 1975. Greenland peregrines at their eyries: a behavioral study of the peregrine falcon. Meddelelser om Grønland. vol: 205(3): 1–28.
Hovis, J., Snowman, T.D., Cox, V.L., Fay, R. & Bildstein, K.L. 1985. Nesting behavior of peregrine falcons in west Greenland during the nestling period. Journal of Raptor Research. vol: 19: 15–19.
Jarman, W.M., Burns, S.A., Mattox, W.G. & Seegar, W.S. 1994. Organochlorine compounds in plasma of peregrine falcons and gyrfalcons nesting in Greenland. Arctic. vol: 47(4): 334–340.
Jenkins, M.A. 1978. Gyrfalcon nesting behavior from hatching to fledging. Auk. vol: 95: 122–127.
Johnson, J.A., Athrey, G., Anderson, C.M., Bell, D.A., Dixon, A., Kumazawa, Y., Maechtle, T., Meeks, G.W., et al. 2023. Whole-genome survey reveals extensive variation in genetic diversity and inbreeding levels among peregrine falcon subspecies. Ecology and Evolution.
*Johnson, J.A., Ambers, A. & Burnham, K.K. 2012. Genetics of plumage color in the gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus): analysis of the melanocortin-1 receptor gene. Heredity. vol: 103(3): 315–321.
*Johnson, J.A. & Burnham, K.K. 2011. Population differentiation and adaptive selection on plumage color distributions in gyrfalcons. In Watson, R.T., Cade, T.J., Fuller, M. & Hunt, W.G. (eds.) Gyrfalcons and Ptarmigan in a Changing World, Volume I: 71–90. Boise, ID: The Peregrine Fund.
*Johnson, J.A. & Burnham, K.K. 2012. Timing of breeding and offspring number covary with plumage colour among Gyrfalcons Falco rusticolus. Ibis. vol: 155(1): 177–188.
*Johnson, J.A., Burnham, K.K., Burnham, W.A. & Mindell, D.P. 2007. Genetic structure among continental and island populations of gyrfalcons. vol: 16(15): 3145–3160.
*Johnson, J.A., Talbot, S.L., Sage, G.K., Burnham, K.K., Brown, J.W., Maechtle, T.L., Seegar, W.S., Yates, M.A., Anderson, B. & Mindell, D.P. 2010. The use of genetics for the management of a recovering population: temporal assessment of migratory peregrine falcons in North America. PloS ONE 5(11): e14042.
Klugman, S.S., Fuller, M.R., Howey, P.W., Yates, M.A., Oar, J.J., Seegar, J.M., Seegar, W.S., Mattox, W.G. & Maechtle, T.L. 1993. Use of satellite telemetry for study of a gyrfalcon in Greenland. Journal of Raptor Research. vol: 27(1): 75–76.
*Leigh, D.M., Kersten, O., Star, B., Anker-Nilssen, T., Burnham, K., Johnson, J., Provencher, J. & Boessenkool, S. 2022. Sympatry of genetically distinct Atlantic Puffins (Fratercula arctica) in the High Arctic. IBIS.
Longmire, J.L., Ambrose, R.E., Brown, M.C., Cade, T.J., Maechtle, T.L., Seeger, W.S., Ward, F.P., & White, C.M. 1991. Use of sex linked minisatellite fragments to investigate genetic differentiation and migration of North American populations of peregrine falcons Falco peregrinus. In Burke, T., Dolf, G., Jeffereys, A.J. & Wolf, R. (eds.): DNA fingerprinting: approaches and applications: 217–229. Basel, Switzerland: Birkhauser Verlag.
Longmire, J.L., Lewis, A.K., Brown, N.C., Buckingham, J.M., Clark, L.M., Jones, M.D., Meincke, L.J., Meyne, J., Ratliff, R.L., Ray, F.A., Wagner, R.P. & Moyzis, R.K. 1988. Isolation and molecular characterization of a highly polymorphic centromeric tandem repeat in the family falconidae. Genomics. vol: 2(1): 14–24.
Mattox, W.G. 1970. Bird-banding in Greenland. Arctic. vol: 23(4): 217–228.
Mattox, W.G. 1970. Banding gyrfalcons (Falco rusticolus) in Greenland, 1967. Bird-banding. vol: 41(1): 31–37.
Mattox, W.G. 1975. Bird of prey research in west Greenland, 1974. Polar Record. vol: 17(109): 387–388.
Mattox, W.G., Burnham, W.A. & Ward, F.P. 1980. Undersøgelse af rovfugle på Grønland/Kalâtdlit-nunãne tigutsisilingnik misigssuinek. Forskning I Grønland/Kalâtdlit-nunãne ilisimatut misigssuinerinik TUSAUT. vol: 1–2: 7–13. [Journal published by the Commission for Scientific Research in Greenland, Copenhagen, Denmark. Title of journal translated into English: Research in Greenland. Journal published in Danish and Greenlandic.]
Mattox, W.G., Graham, R.A., Burnham, W.A., Clement, D.M. & Harris, J.T. 1972. Peregrine falcon survey, west Greenland, 1972. Arctic. vol: 25(4): 308–311.
Mattox, W.G., Heinrich, W.R., Oar, J., Belardo, S.J., Riddle, K. & Smylie, T.M. 1980. West Greenland peregrine falcon survey, 1978. Arctic. vol: 33: 199–202.
Mattox, W.G. & Restani, M. 2014. Migratory movements and mortality of peregrine falcons banded in Greenland, 1972–97. Arctic. vol: 67(4): 433–440.
Mattox, W.G. & W.S. Seegar. 1988. The Greenland Peregrine Falcon Survey, 1972–1985, with emphasis on recent population status. In Cade, T.J., Enderson, J.H., Thelander, C.G. & White, C.M. (eds): Peregrine Falcon Populations — their management and recovery: 27–36. Boise, ID: The Peregrine Fund.
Mattox, W.G. & Seegar, W.S. 1996. 25 år med de Grønlandske vandrefalke. Tusaat/Forskning i Grønland. vol: 4/96: 8–11.
Meese, R.J. & Fuller, M.R. 1989. Distribution and behaviour of passerines around peregrine Falco peregrinus eyries in western Greenland. Ibis. vol: 131: 17–32.
Parrish, J.R., Rogers, D.T. Jr. & Ward, F.P. 1983. Identification of natal locales of peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus) by trace-element analysis of feathers. The Auk. vol: 100: 560–567.
Pattee, O.H., Mattox, W.G. & Seegar, W.S. 1984. Twin embryos in a peregrine falcon egg. The Condor. vol: 86: 252–253.
Restani, M., Marzluff, J.M. & Yates, R.E. 2001. Effects of anthropogenic food sources on movements, survivorship, and sociality of common ravens in the Arctic. The Condor. vol: 103(2): 399–404.
Restani, M. & Mattox, W.G. 2000. Natal dispersal of peregrine falcons in Greenland. The Auk. vol: 117(2): 500–504.
*Rosenfield, R.N., Booms, T.L., Burnham, K.K., McCaffery, B.J. & Goodwin, R.J. 2011. The potential for long-term monitoring and research of gyrfalcon and peregrine falcon breeding populations using undergraduate students: an apparent inexhaustible source of funding. In Watson, R.T., Cade, T.J., Fuller, M. & Hunt, W.G. (eds.) Gyrfalcons and Ptarmigan in a Changing World, Volume II: 373–384. Boise, ID: The Peregrine Fund.
Rosenfield, R.N., Schneider, J.W., Papp, J.M. & Seegar, W.S. 1995. Prey of peregrine falcons breeding in west Greenland. The Condor. vol: 97: 763–770.
Springer, A.M., Walker, W., Risebrough, R.W., Benfield, D., Ellis, D.H., Mattox, W.G., Mindell, D.P & Roseneau, D.G. 1984. Origins of organochlorine accumulated by peregrine falcons, Falco peregrinus, breeding in Alaska and Greenland. Canadian Field Naturalist. vol: 98(2): 159–166.
Taft, S.J., Rosenfield, R.N., Seegar, W.S., Maechtle, T.L. 1998. Paucity of hematozoa in peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus) in west Greenland and coastal Texas. Journal of Helminthological Society of Washington. vol: 65(1): 111–113.
Walker, W., Mattox, W.G. & Risebrough, R.W. 1973. Pollutant and shell thickness determinations of peregrine eggs from west Greenland. Arctic. vol: 26(3): 256–257.
Wightman, C.S. & Fuller, M.R. 2005. Spacing and physical habitat selection patterns of peregrine falcons in central west Greenland. Wilson Bulletin. vol: 117(3): 226–236.
Wightman, C.S. & Fuller, M.R. 2006. Influence of habitat heterogeneity on distribution, occupancy patterns, and productivity of breeding peregrine falcons in central west Greenland. The Condor. vol: 108(2): 270–281.